Professional Fitness Model Andrew Jones (AJ) Diet

Professional Fitness Model Andrew Jones (AJ) Diet
Source: Andrew Jones AJ

2,200 – 2,700 calories/day
Protein: 180-190g
Carbs: 100-400g
Fats: 40-70g

Which foods should not be missing from your diet plan?

WATER, Chicken, brown rice, olive oil, spinach, peanut butter, Greek yogurt. When going through college these were my “basics” and they never failed me. So when everything else fails, I can always fall back to these simple foods to get back on track.

Cheat Meals?

Yes please!  When I am craving something off diet, it can range to a pack of sour patch kids to meal consisting of a triple Mooyah Cheese Burger with fries and a peanut butter cup milk shake. I am only human. But I am a human with self control.

What supplements do you take?


Source: Andrew Jones AJ

Supplements can be expensive so I try to keep it simple.

Cellucor C4
Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey Protein
– Multi-Vitamin
– Fish Oil
– Flax Seed Oil

What´s your favorite fitness recipe on

I am looking forward to trying the
Strawberry Low-Carb High-Protein Ice Cream. I’m always looking for a healthy alternative for my desserts.

Do you have any special advice for your fans?

Never forget this:

– It’s a long road. I know because I’m still on it.
– The advice you get from others is only advice. Only you know the most about yourself and can learn the most about yourself.
– Trial and error are your best friends.
– Never let another person make you jealous or feel inferior.
– Always make it a goal to break out of your comfort zone.
– And finally, never ever take no for an answer, especially when it’s you against yourself.

Thank´s for the answers, AJ, and all the best for your future! 

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  1. Sheila Chandler

    Hi AJ, I saw you on Home and family today, and all I can say is…what an inspiration…my brother had the LVAD in stalled in 2014…he was at the MAYO clinic in Florida, a year later they found him a heart…. I cried while watching you talk about your experiences and experience with the LVAD… I want to tell you that my brother hated the fact of having it also, but he had no choice…the whole process of the batteries, the back up machine, and power pack, medication, frequent visits, and the fear of it all, was very overwhelming…but I have to say, it actually prepared his body and other organs for his new heart…his kidneys were failing, his liver was failing, his lungs were constantly filling with fluid and he was always swollen from excess fluid… I want to tell you to stay encouraged, because after having the IVAD for a year, he was the healthiest he had ever been, and when they transplanted his new heart, his body was ready for it, it didn’t have to work as hard to adjust and function properly trying to get bloid flow to the rest of his body because the LVAD had did exactly what it was to do….prepare the organs, get them back healthy and the blood flow they needed…it kept them functioning properly…. A heart does what it’s supposed to do but a machine does what it’s programmed to do….you were chosen as my brother was, as a testimonial, for a divine purpose….My brother was so healthy from the LVAD that after his transplant he was released two weeks from the hospital to go home, the same happened right after the LVAD was implanted….science is amazing…embrace this experience, except the gift of a second chance…Oh, I just want to add….there were two gentlemen that had a heart transplant that opted out for the LVAD, one did not make it, his health was really bad due to his damaged heart, the other was in the hospital in ICU for over 8 months, from the new heart trying to adjust and function properly….they wanted to make my brother the poster child for the LVAD and the MAYO Clinic in Jacksonville Florida….he declined, lol…he felt he had, had enough attention, lol….He is living great with his new heart, he came to Colorado 3 months after the transplant and went river rafting with the family at our family reunion…… Of course we know that in order for him to live, someone’s life had ended, but with tears in my eyes as I write this….I’m Soooo Tremendously Grateful for Donors, and this particular 36 year old female donor….. I want you to stay Focused, Encouraged and Strong, because your Greater is coming….my brother will turn 57 this year, and like you, he is an Awesome Son, Brother, and a Awesome Father…. I just can’t imagine my world without him in it…..I’m praying for you, and the day when your body is perfect to receive your new heart….Sheila…

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